Thursday, October 1, 2009

Michigan Voice

Michigan Voice

State Photo:
Director / Field Director, Michigan Voice
Phone numbers:
Office: (517) 420-2833 / (313) 964-5099

Michigan Voice is a state based collaboration formed in 2005 to improve long-term coordination and communication among nonprofit civic engagement organizations in Michigan. The collaboration's nonpartisan mission is to engage underrepresented or socially responsible voters in the democratic process and to establish collective action around a common issue agenda.

Partner Organizations:
  • ACLU Fund
  • APIA-Vote
  • Black Youth Vote
  • Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
  • Center for Progressive Leadership
  • Clean Water Action Ed Fund
  • Common Cause of Michigan
  • Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice
  • Ecology Center
  • Environment Michigan
  • Gamaliel of Michigan
  • Jonah
  • Labor Constituencies (APRI, LCLAA, APALA)
  • Mary Church Terrell Council for Community Empowerment
  • Michigan Alliance of Timebanks
  • Michigan Campaign Finance Network
  • Michigan Citizen Ed Fund
  • Michigan Education Association
  • Michigan Election Coaltion
  • Michigan Election Reform Alliance
  • Michigan Environmental Council
  • Michigan Equality
  • Michigan Health Care Security Campaign
  • Michigan League for Human Services
  • Michigan League of Conservation Voters ED Fund
  • Michigan Legal Services
  • Michigan National Organization for Women Foundation
  • Michigan Pride at Work
  • Michigan State Conference NAACP
  • Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network
  • MichUCAN
  • Native Vote
  • Planned Parenthood Assoicates of Michigan
  • Project Intersect
  • Project PreVote
  • Restaurant Opportunities Center of Michigan
  • Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development
  • SEIU
  • Sierra Club Foundation
  • The White House Project, Michigan Field Office
  • Transportation Riders Untied
  • Triangle Foundation
  • United Food and Commercial Workers
  • Working America Ed Fund

Plans & Reports

Program Areas

1) Central Statewide Voter File5) Central Communications and Media Hub
2) Coordinated Voter Reg, ID and GOTV6) Statewide Policy Summit
3) Voter Protection and Reform7) Ballot Initiative Development
4) Polling, Modeling and Research8) Coordinated Training

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