Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dept. rules against native rights, says Eagle Rock isn’t sacred

Dept. rules against native rights, says Eagle Rock isn’t sacred

Posted by Ahni on January 21, 2010 at 10:04am 0 comments 305 views

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, has shamelessly and underhandedly given its final approval for Kennecott’s proposed Eagle Mine project, a nickel and copper sulfide mine on the Yellow Dog Plains.

In issuing the approval, the MDEQ overstepped the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community’s treaty rights, and dismissed a 2009 ruling by Administrative Law Judge Richard Patterson, who found that Eagle Rock is a place of spiritual importance to Keweenaw Bay Community and should be protected.

Judge Patterson, in his ruling, stated that both Kennecott and the MDEQ “did not properly address the impact on the sacred rock outcrop known as Eagle Rock” and suggested that they move the mine’s entry point somewhere “away from the rock”.

The MDEQ unilaterally decided that the judge’s ruling was unnecessary “…because it pertained to Eagle Rock as a place of worship. They believe that a place of worship must be a building and therefore negates comments that were not in favor of the mining company,” explains the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve, who works along side the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community and others opposed to the mine.

However, the MDEQ did much more than dismiss the ruling and deny the sacredness of Eagle Rock. First, it handed the matter down to a Senior Policy Advisor, who made the decision on his own and just two days before the MDEQ was formally dissolved.

Cynthia Pryor, Campaign Director for the Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve, comments:

“What just happened here? The DEQ, as party to a State of Michigan Administrative Contested Case process, just unilaterally bypassed both the legal process and Administrative Law Judge Patterson in making a sweeping declaration and finding of law. This sweeping “judgment” was made not by Judge Patterson, not by past DEQ Director Stephen Chester, not by the interim DEQ Director Jim Sygo, but by a Senior Policy Advisor within the DEQ. This was done as a final DEQ action on the matter – on the day before the DEQ was to be dissolved and the new DNRE Director was to take office.

“How blatant can this be? This is the dramatic action of a DEQ that hopes as a last ditch effort to resolve the Kennecott issue and allow this mine on the Yellow Dog Plains – before their authority is superseded by a new agency. Delegation of DEQ Director ‘final decision’ on the matter, was given to Senior Policy Advisor Frank J. Ruswick, Jr. two weeks ago. There was no known correspondence from Judge Patterson to the DEQ, Kennecott or the petitioners during this time frame. But out of the blue, a day before DEQ dissolution, this DEQ policy advisor made a judgment, ruling and order granting Kennecott both a Part 632 mining permit and a ground water discharge permit AND vacating a remand order made by then Director Stephen Chester concerning Eagle Rock as a “place of worship”. A policy advisor of the DEQ became a Judge and a DEQ Director and has so ruled – and we must accept that?

This is an egregious act that now will absolutely require appeal to a higher court and should require an appeal to the new DNRE Director Rebecca Humphries and the Governor of this state. We should not sit by and accept such action as the accepted mode of “lawfulness” in this state.

For more information, please visit:,,

What You Can Do

To lodge a complaint against the MDEQ’s shameful move, contact Michigan Governor Jennifer M. Granholm:

Governor Jennifer M. Granholm
P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909

PHONE: (517) 373-3400
PHONE: (517) 335-7858 – Constituent Services
FAX:(517) 335-6863


The Huron Mountain Club, National Wildlife Federation, Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve, and the Keweenaw Bay Indian Community have long opposed the project because of some major environmental concerns, and because the mine would adversely effect the Keweenaw Bay Community’s treaty rights and Spiritual practices.

In 2009, Judge Richard Patterson issued a ruling that partly–and only partly—favored Keweenaw Bay

ignoring Judge Richard Patterson ruling that Eagle Rock be honored as a Native American sacred site.

Kennecott the final permit for the Eagle Mine project on the Yellow Dog Plains, ignoring Judge Richard Patterson ruling that Eagle Rock be honored as a Native American sacred site.

concluding that only buildings may be considered “places of worship.”

tatement was issued giving “final approval” of mining permits that were being contested by Huron Mountain Club, National Wildlife Federation, Yellow Dog Watershed Preserve, and Keweenaw Bay Indian Community. The approval was given before the administrative law judge had submitted a clarification of his ruling. The MDEQ stated the judge’s ruling was not needed since it pertained to Eagle Rock as a place of worship. They believe that a place of worship must be a building and therefore negates comments that were not in favor of the mining company.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Whitmer: State must protect its consumers

MISenDems (via Twitter)

Whitmer: State must protect its consumers

New law needed to put teeth into enforcement

As Michigan residents hit the stores this holiday season, they shop with confidence assuming they will be dealt with fairly and honestly. That may be true at the mall or most retail stores, but unfortunately, there are many other instances where consumers could be at risk of being taken advantage of. The state's economic woes have caused an increase in scams and other bad business practices.

At the same time, Michigan's Consumer Protection Act - once revered as the most powerful in the country - continues to be watered down by politicians and their special interests.

The Michigan Consumer Protection Act was a bipartisan agreement instituted in 1976 that banned 29 unfair, deceptive or unconscionable business practices in the sale of goods and services and empowered the state attorney general to go to court to stop such conduct.

But over the last decade, it has been gutted by a Republican majority in the Michigan Supreme Court installed by Gov. John Engler. In two cases, the first in 1999 and the second in 2007, the court ruled to exempt most, if not all, businesses regulated by state or federal law, such as home improvement contractors, mortgage companies and plumbers.

These rulings broke 23 years of enforcement that the attorney general and consumer advocates relied on to hold businesses accountable for deceptive and unfair practices.

Many consumers are already struggling to make ends meet and support their families. Dishonest merchants can currently take advantage of customers in nearly every industry including credit and finance; gasoline, fuel and energy; and telecommunications, satellite and cable TV. With no teeth left in the Michigan Consumer Protection Act, there is nothing to keep businesses from taking advantage of Michigan citizens and leaves consumers with few options to defend themselves. We must properly hold deceitful businesses accountable for their practices.

That's why Michigan needs to restore the original intent of the Michigan Consumer Protection Act and I have introduced legislation in the Senate to do just that.

My bill, Senate Bill 573, will not only restore the act's true intent of consumer protection, but also help Michigan businesses compete on a level playing field instead of enabling companies to obtain a competitive edge by engaging in deceptive or unfair practices.

The Legislature no longer can sit idly by and allow Michigan's consumer protection law to continue to cater to unscrupulous businesses more than our citizens.

Too many of our state laws have been tinkered with to give more power to big business than the people, and now more than ever we should be putting our consumers first and keep Michigan's upstanding businesses competing fairly.

Passing my legislation and bolstering the Consumer Protection Act can help restore our reputation as a state that stands up for its citizens, and I hope my colleagues see its importance and address it soon.